◆ Address : Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea
◆ Educational background
- B. S., Seoul National University, Materials Science and Engineering, February 2001 (Honors)
- Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, Materials Science and Engineering, June 2006 Thesis Title : Designing New Electrode Materials for Energy Devices by Integrating Ab Initio Computations with Experiments; Advisor: Prof. Gerbrand Ceder
◆ Professional Experience
- 2013. 03– Associate Professor with tenure, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
- 2013. 02– Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Enigeering, Seoul National University
- 2011. 02–2013. 02 Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Enigeering, Seoul National University
- 2009. 09–2011. 02 Assistant Professor, Graduate School of EEWS, KAIST
- 2008. 02–2011. 02 Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Enigeering, KAIST KAIST Institute for Eco-Energy
- 2006. 06–2007. 12 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Team leader of Nano battery material project Prof. Gerbrand Ceder and Prof. Angie Belcher group Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, Cambridge MA
- 2001. 08–2006. 06 Research Assistant, Prof. Gerbrand Ceder group Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, Cambridge MA
- 2002. 09 Visiting Graduate Student, Prof. Claud Delmas group Universite´ Bordeaux I, Institut de Chimie de la Matie`re Condense´e de Bordeaux-CNRS and Ecole Nationale Supe´rieure de Chimie et Physique de Bordeaux, Cedex, France
- 2000. 10–2001. 05 Research Assistant, Seoul National University, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Seoul, Korea
◆ Honors and Awards
- Energy and Environmental Science lectureship Award Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013
- International Society of Electrochemistry Young Investigator Award at advanced electrochemical energy symposium (AEES), 2011
- Battery Division Student Awards Electrochemical Society, 2006
- Gold Medal Winner, Graduate Student Awards Materials Research Society, November 2005
- Honors Scholarships Alumni Association of Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1999-2001
◆ Community Service
- Member of Electrochemical Society
- Member of Korean Electrochemical Society
- Member of Materials Research Society
- Member of Korean Materials Research Society
- Journal Reviewer of Journal of the Electrochemical Society
- Book Reviewer of Wiley-VCH